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Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Big Deal--to Me

This weekend I will celebrate a big birthday.

Usually, birthdays just mark another year, but this one with a zero on the end is really plaguing me.

"I'm not that old, I say to myself."

But, alas, the calendar doesn't lie.  So, I have come up with another explanation. You know how dogs age seven years to our one?  Well, I think, I age two-thirds to one. 

That would make me 40, which feels about right.

By that scale, this year our pooch will pass me. :)

Joking aside, today I noticed my  knock-out roses which are on their second flowering.

They are actually prettier than the first bloom. That makes me feel better.

You know the old adage: "We are only as old as we feel"?  I think it has some truth to it.  So, I began making a list of attitudes, actions, and beliefs that contribute to a young outlook.  This is my list so far...
A cheerful heart

A thankful heart
A heart that throws anxieties onto God's much broader shoulders

A balanced life

 Moderation in all things  (credit: Thomas Stevens Arts)

And most importantly--and not in moderation...
Hope and...

What would you add to my list?


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