Not wanting the room to be either feminine or masculine, I chose a color palate of bright colors. Several months ago, I was getting rid of a wing chair, and I had it slip-covered for the room. Because this is a room where children paint, snack, and play, I shied away from popular neutrals. I found a fabric with yellows, blues, pinks, oranges, purples and greens to use as the only pattern in the room.

My husband and son will paint the walls with a satin-finish paint for ease in wiping off tiny hand-prints. (Maria, at: colourmehappyblog.blogspot.com, would approve of the color-choice, because--following her advice--I put the fabric on a large white paint sample. The colors died against white.

A major challenge in any playroom is what to do with all the toys. Even at thirty percent off, the storage bins at the Pottery Barn outlet were prohibitively expensive. Hum...what could I re-purpose for toy bins???
I drove over to a fruit-packing company, bolstered my courage, and found a foreman who sold me new apple crates for eight dollars each.

Furthermore, they are just the right height to serve as seating for the play-table.

The next dilemma was how to make the crate-seats comfortable for little bottoms. Out came the staple gun and fiberfill. I wrapped the crates in vinyl as if they were a present, stapling as I folded.

Here is the sample board for the room.

I received a lot of joy in doing this creative project for my son and his wife. Isn't it amazing how true St. Francis of Assisi's words are: "for it is in giving that we receive"?
I'll post before and after pictures when we get back.